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A blog about legal topics | the non-scientific hands-on approach to law


Blog articles and scientific papers in professional journals are inherently different formats. While scientific articles tend to lay the theoretical base for legal concepts or envisage to expand on them, blog articles put these concepts into action and are particularly useful for giving practical hands-on guidance on specific legal questions. Both can be valuable and both formats are suitable to mutually benefit from each other. This article dives into the reasons why I found blog articles more useful for my practice.


Welcome to the blog, your one-stop destination for insightful, practical, and actionable legal content. I am Lukas, an Austrian-based attorney-at-law admitted to the Vienna (Austria) bar. With a passion for startups, venture capital, and funds, my practice is tailored to cater to these dynamic and innovative sectors.

As a professional who thrives on staying informed and ahead of the curve, I understand the value of timely and practical legal guidance for entrepreneurs, investors, and other stakeholders in the ecosystem. I want to use this format to provide you with the legal espresso you need to help you navigate the complex and ever-changing legal landscape of startups and venture capital. Robust. Concise. To the point.

In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, traditional mediums like scientific journals and legal commentaries may not always be the best fit for delivering hands-on guidance and real-world insights. That’s where the power of blogs comes in, and why I’ve chosen this format to share my expertise and engage with you.

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, and let’s embark on this journey together as we explore the exciting and challenging world of startups, venture capital, and funds through the lens of the law.

Why I chose a blog for publishing my content

For a long time, I thought the only way to build externally visible expertise as a lawyer is to publish articles in renowned scientific journals or co-author books, monographies or legal commentaries.

This was before I entered the world of startups and venture capital. In the environment of tech-savvy, modern-thinking people, blogging and podcasting are the main mediums to deliver meaningful content and grow an audience. This is because blogs are easy to access, digestible, and cater to a wide range of interests, making them the perfect tool to reach a diverse audience and establish oneself as a legal expert.

The lack of a „scientific approach“ in blog writing is outweighed by its benefits:

  • No publishing barriers: Everyone can write a blog. There are no barriers when it comes to publishing. The author does not even need a website. There are numerous social journalism platforms like Medium available that allow anyone to publish content easily.
  • No content constraints: While professional journals usually follow a principal topic (eg corporate law), blogs do not have this constraint. The author can publish in all areas he/she pleases (and ideally is also competent) and the reader gets a good overview of the author’s areas of expertise.
  • Lower mental bar: For me, scientific writing is a high mental bar because it requires way more effort on the groundwork. Sourcing and referencing take time (so much I can literally write four to five well-researched blog articles in the same amount of time).
  • No access restrictions / zero cost: Self-explanatory. The reader does not need to subscribe to (often expensive) journals just to read specific articles. As long as you have internet, you have access. Also, there is no need to renew subscriptions to follow specific topics. I believe that 20th century publishing will soon be replaced by community-based journals.
  • Peer reviewed by audience: If content contains errors, inconsistencies or outdated information, readers will be quick to point them out. This peer-review process, driven by the engaged audience, ensures the quality and accuracy of the content published.
  • Transparent changes: If desired, blogs allow for a higher degree of transparency when it comes to subsequent alterations or changes, all of which can be made visible. An elaborate change of mind can be linked to previous content etc. The reader always has access to updated information because there are no paywalls. I think this is one of the core benefits of blog writing (if done right), which a standard scientific journal is not able to reproduce in the same fashion.
  • Focused: Journals often have technical requirements (eg number of words), blogs do not. They can be short, they can be long. Most important: Blogs allow the author to focus on content only.
  • Ideal for comparative law topics: For practitioners that regularly have exposure to different jurisdictions or work on multi-jurisdiction transactions, it is easy to draw comparisons and elaborate on legal differences in certain jurisdictions. Such work is usually very helpful in practice, but traditional journals are often limited to specific jurisdictions, only capturing half of the possible target audience. Blogs make comparative law topics available to a broad, limitless audience.

I invite you to join me on this journey as I share my insights, experiences, and knowledge on venture capital and startup law. Together, let’s navigate the complex world of legal issues that startups and investors face, and make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead.

My latest reads / listenings:

Stumbled upon a brilliant blog entry by Bryan Springmeyer about anti-dilution provisions in VC transactions.

Quote / concept that sticked to me:

It was Jason Robert’s concept of „increasing your luck surface area“ that pushed me over to start my own blog, therewith „walking the talk“. Check out his blog post. It’s a great reminder that creating impact equally involves talking and doing.

Coffee fact

At, everything is about law and coffee. Thus, it’s only fair to dedicate a section to this delicious beverage in every blog article.

Forget about the BigMac Index, here comes the espresso index. Travelbook published a comprehensive overview of average prices for espresso shots across 42 European cities. Surprising fact: Rome (Italy) is not the cheapest place to get your shot (albeit probably the most original one).

While your average espresso in Vienna costs you EUR 2.75, your coffee at comes with no price tag. To me, coffee is more than a beverage. Consistent, well-defined espresso shots require good equipment, superb ingredients, a streamlined workflow, attention to detail and impeccable execution.

Much like crafting the perfect espresso shot, the practice of law demands a combination of these elements to deliver consistently exceptional results. Let me break it down for you why these qualities are equally important for lawyers:

  1. Good equipment: Just as espresso machines are pivotal in creating that ideal cup, lawyers rely on technology and resources to streamline their work. Up-to-date legal databases, research tools, and efficient practice management software are essential for ensuring accuracy and effectiveness in a lawyer’s practice.
  2. Superb ingredients: In the world of espresso, the quality of the coffee beans is paramount. Similarly, lawyers must possess a strong foundation of knowledge, expertise, and experience in their respective fields. This foundation enables them to analyze complex legal issues, develop sound strategies, and provide top-notch advice to their clients.
  3. Streamlined workflow: A well-organized and efficient workflow is crucial for both espresso-making and legal practice. In the same way that baristas follow a systematic process to create consistent espresso shots, lawyers must establish clear processes for managing cases, drafting documents, and handling client communications. This ensures that work is completed effectively, on time, and without errors.
  4. Attention to detail: Crafting the perfect espresso shot requires meticulous attention to variables like grind size, water temperature, and extraction time. Similarly, lawyers must be detail-oriented in order to identify potential pitfalls, draft precise legal documents, and ensure compliance with the ever-evolving body of laws and regulations.
  5. Impeccable execution: The final step in making an exceptional espresso is flawless execution, where the barista’s skill and expertise come into play. In the practice of law, impeccable execution is also essential. Lawyers must have the ability to present persuasive arguments, negotiate favorable outcomes, and provide clear, actionable advice to their clients. This requires not only legal acumen but also excellent communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Let’s discuss your legal needs and find the perfect blend of solutions, all while enjoying a fine cup of this energizing elixir. Cheers to meaningful conversations and valuable insights!

Disclaimer: While I’m a lawyer, I’m not necessarily your lawyer. Nothing presented herein constitutes legal advice or establishes an attorney-client relationship. Blog posts on this website have been prepared for information purposes only. Any information is merely a generalized analysis of certain issues raised by particular events or statutory developments. If you have legal concerns that you wish to have addressed, please contact a lawyer directly so that your specific circumstances can be evaluated. The views expressed in this blog are mine alone.

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